Information stored in DNA

How Much Information is Stored in the Human Genome? 

This is an excellent topic. There is enough information stored in the DNA to provide the program necessary for life. But where does the information come from? The question should not be “who?” That assumes a forgone conclusion. Creation is a process, driven by the apparent separation of formless energy (a unity) via relative motion. You may think that you are sitting motionless, but in fact, you are in motion relative to every other particle in the universe. The coexistence of these mutually exclusive states (binary bits) provides the apparent separation of unity and a restoring centripetal force that gives quantum particles their angular momentum. This is the basis for a metamorphic process. The self-sustaining process creates the vibrational energy that collapses into quantum states – bits of information, which creates constructive and destructive interference, which amplifies a holomorphic process (separation, projection, reflection, reunification; see It results in self-organizing subatomic particles that make up the atoms that make up the base pairs that make up the DNA molecules… All of the information around us (i.e. Truth… that which actually happened) continuously collapses into every DNA center, and the same process results in cell-division and the destruction of cells that fail to follow the process, allowing the organism to adapt to a changing environment.

The question, “who started the process?” is also a question fallacy because the process is a circle with no beginning or end. The act of drawing a circle may require a beginning, but the circle itself just is. Time is a human concept that is nothing more than a different way of quantifying motion. So there is no beginning, no creation event. Am I saying there is no God? No. “God” is the name of the process, by which Truth transforms into consciousness, which has no beginning of end… it just is. If it spoke for itself, it would say “I am… I just am. I am that intelligible sphere whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere.” So God is the energy, the process and the resulting consciousness. Sounds like a holy trinity to me.


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